About us
What we do?
Digital Knowledge Observatory Foundation
The Digital Knowledge Observatory Foundation was established in 2005 and is a pioneer in the field of digital transformation, especially education. Its portfolio includes nearly 20 projects, including research and development and technology transfer, which have been successfully implemented outside Poland, for example in Spain, Italy, Malta, Austria or Qatar. For many years, he has been actively working for the development of young Polish enterprises. Currently, under the Digital Knowledge brand, he runs the technology cluster https://knowledgecluster.pl/, three accelerators (Knowledge Surveys, Public Innovations (Pionier NCBiR) and the Academic Startup League) and a seed capital fund (EdtechHub - Alfa Bridge NCBiR), from which everyone has a different specificity and target group. He works with a group of over 200 experts and mentors. A broad view of support for companies at an early stage of development allows the Foundation to provide holistic assistance. The flagship project is the center of new technologies https://knowledgevillage.pl/ established under the "Development of EduKlastra - New Media in Education" together with digital production laboratories https://digitalspace.pl/
The Digital Knowledge Observatory Foundation is on the list of pro-innovation units of the Ministry of Development.
Our Goals
Our ecosystem
FOZ was the initiator of the creation of the ecosystem of a group of projects related to the development of the digital economy, associated under a common brand Digital Knowledge:
- Digital Knowledge Village – Center of modern digital technologies. Campus with an area of 3500 sq m. Digital knowledge laboratories, audio and video recording studios and digital research studios.
https://knowledgevillage.pl - Digital Knowledge Cluster – a cluster association involving nearly 80 entities, from universities, through foundations and associations, to training and technology companies.
http://knowledgecluster.pl/ - Digital Knowledge Academy – Digital Knowledge Academy .
- Digital Knowledge Accelerator – an accelerator supporting commercial entities operating in the field of EdTech. Its aim is to facilitate access to expert knowledge and support the development of skills through the use of modern technologies.
https://knowledgenetwork.pl/ - Digital Knowledge Accelerator – a Venture Capital fund + incubator supporting promising digital marketing & knowledge projects, with several projects in its portfolio.
https://surferzywiedzy.pl - EdTechHub Accelerator - a Public Sector Accelerator, with several projects in its portfolio
Our Foundation history
The Foundation was established in 2005 as the Management Observatory Foundation. In 2017, we changed our name to Foundation Digital Knowledge Observatory. The most important dates in the history of our foundation are presented below:
Our Team
Ireneusz Tomczak
prezes zarządu
Ludmiła Pianowska
Agata Szoka
Michał Łysik
Badania i certyfikaty